On Behalf of our sisterhood
A message
from our
On behalf of the sisters of Sigma Phi Omega and our beautiful house, I proudly welcome you to our Fall Recruitment. As this semester’s president, I am eager for the new feats and achievements our house looks to reach and I invite you to join us on this new adventure.
Founded in 1949, USC Sigma Phi Omega is the oldest Asian-interest organization on campus and third oldest Asian-interest sorority in the nation. Our roots were started by the tenacity of a strong group of women who banded together in the face of adversity. From there, we have grown into 10 chapters nationwide comprised of capable, tenacious women who have cultivated an environment of integrity and character for future generations of women. Our chapter has strived to recruit diverse women who exemplify strong virtues of sisterhood, character, and academic awareness. We strive to be leaders both on campus and for other women.
As President of our first ever Spring Recruitment, I am humbled to represent a house of women I proudly call my sisters at our prestigious university. Our sorority has given me more than I could ever ask for and has shaped me to be a better, stronger women each day I am able to be here. My goal this semester is to cultivate an environment of compassion and understanding and to teach other women the strength of community. We hope to reach out to girls who are driven by action and are willing to enact change in our community because very rarely are we able to encounter a community with all female voices, let alone reach goals by all women. It has been a privilege to witness the phenomenal growth in the three years I have been a part of Sigmas and it is my honor to invite you to experience your own journey in a place I humbly call my home.
Sincerely yours,
Monica Cua
beta upsilon, fall 2015

Life as a Sigma
Memories and friendships to last a lifetime
In Sigmas, you'll meet people who will love and accept you for who you are, people who will roll around of the floor laughing with you, people who will be there to pick you up when you fall. Find out what it's like to be in Sigmas.